League11 Responsible Play Policy

At League11, we believe in promoting a fun and responsible fantasy cricket experience for all users. This Responsible Play Policy outlines our commitment to providing tools and resources to help users manage their gameplay and prioritize healthy habits.

  1. Financial Management
  • Transaction Limits: We have implemented a maximum cap of ₹100000 limit when adding funds to your League11 account in a single transaction. This limit helps users avoid impulsive spending and encourages thoughtful financial decisions.
  • Deposit Limits: Consider setting your own personal deposit limits. This allows you to predetermine how much you're comfortable spending and helps you stay within your budget.
  • Financial Tracking: Keep track of your deposits and gameplay activity. Monitoring your spending helps you maintain financial awareness and avoid overspending.
  1. Time Management
  • Set Time Limits: Establish healthy time limits for your League11 activity. Balance your gameplay with other responsibilities and leisure activities to avoid neglecting other aspects of your life.
  • Take Breaks: Schedule regular breaks from League11. Stepping away helps you maintain perspective and prevents excessive engagement.
  1. Recognizing Problematic Play
  • Chasing Losses: Avoid the urge to chase losses by making increasingly risky bets. If you lose a contest, accept it and move on.
  • Impact on Daily Life: If League11 gameplay starts to negatively impact your work, relationships, or mental well-being, it's time to take a break.
  1. Strategic Time-Out
  • Strategic Time-Out Option: League11 offers a self-exclusion option that allows you to temporarily deactivate your account for a set period. This option can be helpful if you feel you need a break from fantasy cricket.
  1. Support and Resources
  • Alerts and Notifications: League11 may send you alerts about your accumulated losses or time spent playing. These alerts serve as gentle reminders to practice responsible gaming.
  • Support Channels: If you feel you or someone you know may have a gambling problem, League11 provides resources and support channels to connect with relevant organizations.
  1. Commitment to Responsible Play

League11 is committed to promoting responsible gaming practices. We continuously strive to improve our Responsible Play Policy and provide users with the tools and support they need to enjoy League11 responsibly.


  • Fantasy cricket should be a fun and entertaining activity.
  • Always play within your financial means and set time limits.
  • If you feel you have a problem, don't hesitate to seek help from the resources provided.

By using League11, you agree to abide by this Responsible Play Policy.

This Responsible Play Policy empowers League11 users to make informed choices and enjoy a healthy and balanced gaming experience. We are dedicated to providing a safe and secure environment for all our users.

Age and Location Limits: You can only join Cash Contests if you’re 18 years & above. Residents from Assam, Andhra Pradesh, Odisha, Telangana, Nagaland and Sikkim are not permitted to join the Cash Contests on League11 due to their respective state laws

This game may be habit-forming or financially risky. Please play responsibly. For futher assitance, contact us here